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Guiding you to bare skin confidence and empowered radiance

Frii[s]mith began from a simple yet radical idea: that when the skin’s environment is healthy, it has flow on effects for confidence, self-love, empowerment, and connection.

Holding this idea close to our heart, we set out to create a scientifically formulated skincare range that would holistically nourish and build the skin’s resilience — rather than “fix” it. 

Because the truth is, your skin already has a natural ability to heal itself. We’re just giving you the ingredients to support this beautiful process — encouraging your skin to work for itself now and in the future.

Ingredients that are supportive rather than responsive. Proactive rather than reactive. Empowering rather than invasive.

Call us optimistic, but we believe skincare has the power to change the course of someone’s day, year, and life. And that’s why we do what we do.

Founded through friendship

The FRII[S]MITH journey started with us, Sheri and Candice. Inseparable friends. Our worlds collided after we both immigrated from our home country, South Africa. We became instant friends, a bond so powerful and familiar it felt like family. 

Today, we combine our diverse yet complimentary backgrounds to empower women and foster connection through our I AM RADIANT community.

Meet Sheri Friis
The founder, brains and skin magician 

“There’s something incredible about watching someone fall in love with their skin. Their fears melt away and they begin to own their self-confidence. That’s why I do it.”

Sheri has been affectionately named “magic hands” by her clients (a degree in somatology, a love for science, and over 20 years’ experience as a skin therapist will do that).

But more than that, Sheri brings an infectious enthusiasm, gentle nature and boundless warmth to everyone around her. She creates a space where every woman can come as themselves and feel held.

She spends her days diving into the science of skincare, formulating products and working in her skin wellness clinic, where she guides clients to bare skin confidence and empowered radiance.

Skin wellness aside, she’s spotted practising yoga, meditating, immersing herself in a spiritual book, learning about youth restoration, connecting deeply with friends, spending time with family at her home sanctuary and raising two fiercely independent girls.

Meet Candice!
Messaging and marketing 

“I feel indescribably proud to see 20 years of knowledge, passion and insight poured into three small bottles”

One of the first witnesses of Sheri’s magic, Candice was the positive sounding board, supportive voice and gentle push to bring the Frii[s]mith range to life.

With a background in dietetics and behavioural economics, Candice brought years of expertise and helped spread the Frii[s]mith message.

Away from FRII[S]MITH, she works in the health and wellness space and is an incredible mother to three humans. She’s often found experiencing everything life has to offer — food, friends, art, travel and fashion — so she’s never short of a good story.

Finally, we do this work thanks to the support of the incredible women around us. 

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