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Article: Sally Goodall

Sally Goodall

Who is Sally? 

Well isn't that a good question! I’m on an endless journey to learn more about myself as each year passes. I would say I’m a social introvert. A lover of people and animals. A sensitive soul. 

I grew up on a farm in New Zealand & loved animals, nature, the performing arts, photography and art from an early age. It wasn’t until later in my twenties after I’d travelled and worked in many jobs that I found photography again and turned it into a career. It’s now been over 15 years working as a full time professional photographer and it’s still my absolute passion. I feel through photography I can be creative and connect with people. It energises me, excites me, pushes me, teaches me and allows me to be myself. I love to make people feel comfortable and empowered. 

What are your passions in life? 

My darling daughter and my beautiful hubby first and foremost. My precious wee fur babies. My beloved family back in New Zealand. My gorgeous friends. My photography. Travelling, exploring in nature, dancing, music, reading, baking, painting, trying new things.

What is the lesson in life you live by?

I have a few wee mottos that I live by…

Be kind. See the glass half full. Feel the fear and do it anyway. Follow your heart always. 

How do you practise self-care / self-love?

I love listening to podcasts while editing, anything in the self development genre. I listen to music every day but especially before a shoot (this just makes me happy). I love a hot bath to relax… this will automatically kick my body into deep breathing. I walk my dog every day first thing in the morning before my family wakes up. I find it sets me up for a good day as I can be completely present in the moment. When having a shower I blast myself with cold water at the end, especially before a shoot or if I need a pep up. This just wakes me up and makes me feel energised. My morning ritual consists of a coffee outside on the bean bag just taking in nature and thinking about what I have on for the day.

I try to get to the gym at least 3 x per week. I love to do interval training on the treadmill. That’s my thing right now between weight training and spin classes. Fasting and clean eating is also something I love to do for myself. I feel at my best when I do this. 

Why do you think self-care is so important?

For me it’s for my mental health. If that’s good then I’m able to handle whatever comes at me.

How do you ensure you prioritise the time to focus on your wellness journey?

I’m much better at creating boundaries these days and prioritising the time so I can be the best version of myself for both me and my family. Especially being a mum of a young daughter.  I have a very supportive husband who is also on the same page and realises the importance of self care and wellness. 

Who inspires you the most and why?

There’s no one single person I look up to. Many people inspire me for different reasons. My husband, my daughter, my family, my friends, my clients. I have many people I follow in the wellbeing sector that put out podcasts I listen to weekly. I take a little pearl of wisdom away each day.

What is your favourite Friismith product and why?

I absolutely adore the i am [radiant] active moisturiser. Feels so silky and light to apply. To be honest I’m really loving all the products!! From the cleanser to the serums. They are seriously good products. 

What does radiance mean to you?

To shine your light. To be authentically you. 

IG @sallygoodallphotography 

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